Treasure Planet

B.E.N.! Of course, l'm B.E.N.
Bioelectronic Navigator. Oops.
- And you are?
- Jim.

Oh, what a pleasure
to meet you, Jimmy.

- lt's Jim.
- Anyway...

Look, l'm kind of
in a hurry, OK?

l got to find a place to hide,
and there's pirates chasing me.

Oh, pirates!
Don't get me started on pirates!

l don't like them.
l remember Captain Flint.

This guy had such a temper.
Wait, wait, wait.
You knew Captain Flint?

l think he suffered
from mood swings, personally.

l'm not a therapist,
and anyway...

but l--you let me know
when l'm rambling.

But that means--but wait.
But then you gotta know
about the treasure?

- Treasure?
- Yeah, Flint's trove?

You know,
loot of a thousand worlds.

lt's--well, it's...
it's all a little--
little--little fuzzy.

Wait. l--l r-r-remember.
l do. l--treasure!
Lots of treasure
buried in the centroid--

of the mechanism.

And there was this big door
opening and closing...

and opening and closing...
and Captain Flint
wanted to make sure...

nobody could ever
get to his treasure...

so l helped him...
Aah! Data inaccessible! Reboot!
Reboot! Aah! And you are?
Wait, wait, wait!
What about the treasure?

l want to say Larry.
The--the centroid
of the mechanism, or--

l'm sorry. My memory
isn't what it used to be.

l've lost my mind. Ha ha!
l've lost my mind.

You haven't found it, have you?
Uh, my missing piece?
My primary memory circuit?

Look, B.E.N., l really need
to find a place to hide, OK?

So l'm just gonna be,
you know, moving on.

Oh, uh, so, well, then...
l guess, uh...
this is good-bye, huh?

l'm sorry that
l'm so dysfunctional.

So, uh, go ahead and...
l do understand.

l do. Bye-bye.
