
despite the obstacles.
If we we'll be persistent
we can accomplish anything.

Yes, let's be bold.
You've convinced me.

This is better
than running off together.

What if someone recognizes you,
or Papkin betrays you?

Don't look into the abyss,
rather drown your worries

in the depth of our love.
Stay here then, in God's name.
You have my consent.

Your permission
helps us little.

We may yet convince my uncle.
Widow Hanna can help us,

since they just
declared their love.

She is so modest,
yet she promised him her hand.

It should be easy for you
to flatter her.

Praise her wisdom, virtue,
beauty and you can have
any position

in our house.
From emissary to servant,
isn't that suspicious?

But it's an honor,
to be in the Cupbearer's service.

I'll tell Widow Hanna.
An hour ago she fainted from fear
and now she's fearless.

She saw no chance for success,
now she has hope for two.

O fair sex,
beautiful and dear,

your joys and sorrows are like
gentle wavelets on a lake,

always chasing one another.
As one bows down, other rises.

But in the light of the golden sun
they are pure and endlessly one.

And we men?
We, proud rulers
of the world,

are chasing
this disappearing shadow,
