
Dr. Whitaker.
I'm Dt. Scott...
and this is Dt. Brian.
We need to ask you some questions.

- How well did you know Dr. Reyna.
- He was my professor.

He convinced me
to go into research.

- So you were friends?
- I don't think he had any friends.

That He was brilliant but he
wasn't easy to get along with.

- What was he working on?
- Nothing worth killing over.

But your company was
still funding him.

You don't pull a grant from
the man who discovered Absolon.

Of course. We found an encoded
disc in his study.

- Do you have the key charge for it?
- He was very secretive about work.

- Give it to us and we'll decode it.
- We have people who can do that.

They could also erase
very valuable data.

Didn't you say he wasn't
working on anything important?

No, I said he wasn't working on
anything worth killing over.

All research data is important.
You never know where it can lead.

- We'd like to look at his lab.
- It isn't here.

He liked to work outside
the corporate structure.

Thank you.
One more thing.
Can you tell us
where you were last night?

I was here until 9:3O
and then I went home.

- Anything else?
- Not for now.

Thank you Doctor.
Thank you. You account will
be debited in fifteen minutes.
