Anger Management

-Approach Miss Thing again.

With confidence.
And if she says no this time...
...I will admit that I am a failure
as a therapist...

...and release you from my program.
You'll release me from your program?
Just go over there
and repeat the following...

I'm sorry I was so rude before...
...but it's difficult for me
to express myself...

...when I'm on the verge of exploding
in my pants.

-Get out of here.
-Trust me, Dave.

If you are calm as well as witty,
she will respond.

Witty went out the window with
the pants explosion thing, thanks.

My offer stands.
so if I repeat that crazy shit...
:54:00 probably stole from
a porno flick, you sick bastard...

...and get rejected...
:54:06'll release me from the program?
Here we go.
Go get them, Mr. Johnson.
I'm sorry I was so rude before...
...but it's difficult for me...
:54:52 express myself...
