Anger Management

:58:01 you all of a sudden
have a "girlfriend"?

Because I do. I do. I have a girlfriend.
said the liar to the beached whale!
You're not a beached whale.
If anything, you could even
gain a few pounds.

so now I'm too skinny for you?
No. I didn't mean that.
-ls this what you want, Dave?

If I put on a few pounds...
...will you be able to stifle your vomit
long enough to have sex with me?!

Holy shit.
Are you such a hot stud
that you'll break me in two?!

You're angry right now. Wanna sing?
Do you know "l Feel Pretty"?

-Get out! Get out!

Get out!
Get out!!
How did it go, pal?
-Why'd you ditch me?
-What are you talking about?

You gave me the signal.
I didn't give you the signal to leave.
I gave you the signal to say your
gross pickup line actually worked.

Well, of course it did.
so did Little Davey need
some anger management?

-That chick was killer.
-serial killer.

she tried to chocolate me to death.
Anyways, I don't cheat on Linda.
-speaking of Linda, she called earlier.
-Oh, yeah?

she seemed a little bit
bent out of shape.

-About what?
-Your being out with another woman.

-How would she know that?
-I told her.

-What else could I do?
-What else could you do?

You could've told her something else.
I was at the bank. I was at the store.

I ate bad guacamole
and I couldn't stop shitting!

Any of those would have been fine!
Well, I'm sorry, Dave, but I don't lie
for my patients.

You want to leave your friend and
run off and chase some hot babe...

:59:56 can't expect me to cover for you.
I did what you told me to do,
you sick, demented man.
