Anything Else

Last night, l was home by myself
and l conjured up a threesome with me,
Marilyn Monroe and Sophia Loren.

lt was very erotic.
ln fact, if l'm not mistaken,
it was the first time

those two great actresses
ever appeared in anything together.

- lt sounds nice, but...
- The only reason l ask

is because l think
that as you go through life,

you learn to depend only on yourself.
You know?
Do you own a firearm?

A gun?
A gun qualifies as a firearm, yes.
- No. Why would l?
- For self-defense.

Against who?
Against those who conspire to harm you.
Harm me?
Don't ask what you did to deserve it.
l mean, God, read Auden.

You know, come with me to New Jersey.
Falk, l took the liberty a few weeks ago
of ordering you a little present.

They're having a sale here
on surplus Russian army rifles.

Suppose you're home one night
in bed, masturbating,

and some guys break in.
You need protection.

l'd dial 91 1 .
l don't need a rifle.

Have you ever dialed 91 1?
lt's like trying to get a mortgage.

Come on.
l don't need a rifle. l'll probably
wind up blowing my foot off.

What is wrong with you?
Are you such a maladroit

you can't keep a firearm without
discharging it adventitiously?

- l don't need a weapon.
- Everybody needs a weapon.

What does that mean?
lt means the day will come
when you wish you had one.

Why exactly?
So they don't put you in a boxcar.

l want to get you some of this stuff, too.
- What for?
- So you can build a survival kit.

l have a perfect survival kit.
l've been working on it for years.
