Brother Bear

* To look at wonder *
* At all we've been given *
* In a world *
* That's not always
as it seems *

* Every corner we turn *
* Only leads to another *
* A journey ends *
* But another begins *
* Ooh, great spirits
of all who lived before *

* Take our hands
and lead us, lead us *

* Fill our hearts and souls
with all you know *

* You know, you know, show *
* Show us that in your eyes *
* That we are all the same *
* Brothers to each other *
* In this world, we remain *
* Truly brothers,
all the same *

-Iee! Kenai s-a intors!

Kenai , esti entuziasmat
ca primesti piatra spirituala azi?

Nu e o piatra.
O sa fie totemul meu.

Da, probabil o sa primesc
ceva, ca un dinte de tigru...

pentru curaj, sau putere,
sau maretie.

Stiti voi,
ceva care sa mi se potriveasca.

Ce zici de un mamut
pentru capul tau mare?

ca ai legat cosul.

Nu-ti face griji.
Nici un urs prost nu
se va apropia de peste.

S-a intors!
Hei, toata lumea, Tanana s-a intors!

Haide, Kenai, sa mergem!
Haide, haide.
Tanana are piatra ta!

* Ooh, great spirits
of all who lived before *

* Take our hands and lead us *
* Fill our hearts and souls
with all you know *

* You know, you know, show *
* Show us that in your eyes *
* We are all the same *
* Brothers to each other *
* In this world, we remain *
* Truly brothers,
all the same *

* Brothers, all the same *
