Capturing the Friedmans

So Arnold's mother
had these two boys,

and they were really on
welfare. I don't know.

They lived in
a basement apartment.

Evidently, there
was one bedroom,

and the boys slept in
the bedroom with the mother.

We shared, all 3 of us,
not in the same bed,

but we all shared
the same room, big rooms.

And rather than put a,

the living room
was the living room,

and then there was
the kitchen,

so we put all the beds
in the one room.

And that she dated a lot of men
and would bring the men

into the apartment, and they
would have sex in the bed

while Arnold was
there listening.

And Arnold said that,
because he saw his mother

in bed with a man, that
when he was adolescent,

he was experimenting,
as all children do,

and he had sex with his brother
in bed or something like that.

And to me,
that's not what all children do.
Arnold sent me this right around
when he started writing me,

and it's called "My Story,"
and it was written in 1988.

And I think it was his attempt
to talk about the case

but also talk about the case
in the context of his life.

And it starts out, it says,
"This story goes back 50 years
to when I was a child. "

He says, "When I
reached adolescence

I sought out partners for
my emerging sexuality.

My first partner, when I was
13, was my 8-year-old brother.

I had overt sexual
relations with him

over a period of a few years. "
I know that my brother has said
that he messed around with me

when I was a kid.
And I don't remember any of it.
I don't remember anything.
I have nothing up here
that has me yelling or
screaming or crying
