Finding Nemo

PATlENT: l think so.
We're ready to roll.

My bubbles.
He likes bubbles.
Aah! Ohh! No! Uhh!
[Fish murmuring]

Slow down, little fella.
There's nothing to worry about.

-He's scared to death.
-l want to go home.

Do you know where my dad is?
Honey, your dad's probably
back at the pet store.

Pet store?
Yeah, you know, like,
l'm from Bob's Fish Mart.

-Pet Palace.

-Mail order.

-So, which one is it?
-l'm from the ocean.

Ah, the ocean. The ocean?
Aah! Aah! Aah!
He hasn't been decontaminated.

-Clean him!

-Ooh, la mer. Bon.

[Accordion music playing]
Voila. He is clean.
Wow. The big blue.
What's it like?

-Big and blue?
-l knew it.

lf there's anything you need,
just ask your Auntie Deb.

Or if l'm not around,
you can talk to my sister Flo.

Hi. How are you?
Don't listen to anything
my sister says.

She's nuts.
Ha ha ha ha!

[Muffled] We got a live one.
-Can't hear you, Peach.
-l said we got a live one.

-Boy, oh, boy.
-What do we got?

Root canal--and by the looks
of those x-rays...

it's not going to be pretty.
[Drill whines] Ow!
-Dam and clamp installed?

-What did he use to open?
-Gator-Glidden drill.

He seems to favor
that one lately.

l can't see, Flo.
You're getting
a little too--Aah!

PEACH: Now he's doing
the Schilder technique.

BLOAT: He's using
a Hedstrom file.

That's not a Hedstrom file.
That's a K-Flex.

lt has a teardrop cross-section.
Clearly a Hedstrom.

-No, no, K-Flex.


There l go.
A little help, over here.

DEB: l'll go deflate him.
