Freddy Vs. Jason

Pass on a little
message for me, will ya?

I've been compiling info...

based on eyewitness reports
of the hockey mask killer.

We already know who did this.
Sheriff, we closed
down the school...

and set up a curfew
for anyone under eighteen.

Now I want twenty-four-hour
roadblocks set up.

Nobody leaves town,
nobody gets in.

We're gonna contain
this son of a bitch...

before he spreads any further.
Yes, sir.
Sir, shouldn't we have
the F.B.I. come in and--

No outsiders, Stubbs.
We can handle this.
We've stopped him before.

OK, I'm a little lost here.
Stopped who before?
We don't say his name out loud.
You're not from around here.
I don't expect you
to understand.

With all due resect, Sheriff...
I think we have a copycat
of the old Jason Voorhees...

Crystal Lake killer
on our hands--

You listen to me.
We do things around here
a certain way for a reason...

and that's given us
four years of peace.

So you either do your job
and keep your mouth shut...

or, so help me God,
I will lock you up!

Do you understand me?!
Yes, sir.
Why don't we all just leave?
No, even if we leave,
Freddy can still get us.

We all know about him.
We're all afraid of him.

It was our fear that
gave him his power.

We're marked now.
Man, screw that clown.
I mean, what kind
of a pussy...

comes after you
in your dreams anyway?

Now, that big-ass mother fucker
back at the cornfield...
