Gaz Bar Blues

- I couIdn't care Iess
what peopIe say and think.

I've been here 15 years.
I shouId know how to handIe
these bums, don't you think?

Where's Guy?
- Oh, yeah. He asked me
to fiII in for him.

(Harmonica pIaying
Beethoven's Ninth)

- Two Craven A. I'm getting
2 strippers in CharIevoix.

I'II need cigarettes.
AIways got that harmonica
stuck to your face.

- I'm practising.
- PIay that thing again.
Come on!
(Beethoven's Ninth)
Not exactIy bar music.
- No, but it's nice.
Beethoven's Ninth.
- Yeah. CBC styIe.

Listen, you and your brother
don't fit in here.

You're too bright.
- Is that a compIiment?
- WeII... the way I see it,
if you bought a decent car,

I'd give you a strip-bar run.
You'd be good.

You got brains.
- How hard can it be,

driving girIs home afterwork?
- It's aII psychoIogicaI with them.
- Thanks a Iot, but I'II pass.
- You're missing out. It pays,
and there are perks.

You think they dance straight?
Christ! They're coked up!

I'm their suppIier.
Nice sideIine. Smart, eh?

- ReaIIy wise.
- You musicians induIge too
