Gaz Bar Blues

- It's the seIenoid.
- Right.

- What do you know?
- I've done mechanics.

- It's his carburator. I toId him
to go get one and I'd change it.

- It's worth more than the car!
- I don't drink. I went
to severance meetings...

- What a wreck!
The driver's mangIed?
- We don't know.
Good night.
- Dad? Inspector's here.
I didn't reaIize.

I washed the windows
but didn't check the oiI.

- Darn it.
- He wants to see you.
- Here, take this.
Good evening.
- PauI GobeiI, regionaI inspector.

Not very impressive, Mr Brochu.
- He's young. In training.

- Not your underage empIoyee.
I mean that.

Makes the company Iook bad.
- I get your point,
but those peopIe are reguIars.

I can't barthem,
they're customers.

They buy cigarettes,
soft drinks, etc.

- And we seII gas. Look at that.
Women, cigarettes...
One guy's drinking.
They're Iaughing...

It's more Iike a pub
than a gas station.

I'm putting this in my report.
- They'II Ieave soon.
- This is no good.
Nothing has improved here.

You fIout company standards.
