Gaz Bar Blues

- What's that?
- Carrier's Vandura.

- Easy. His vaIves snap.
- Most of them do here.

- You're right on.
How about the pizza deIivery?
- Sure thing.

- You went to ItaIy forthis?
So, NeIson?
- What was it?
- Never heard that one.

Gimme a hint.
- Four-cyIinder.
- I know that!
That's no hint!

- It's European.
- A sputtering RenauIt 12?
- VoIkswagen.

- What? No way.
- DieseI Rabbit.
- You owe me $11.

- DieseIs don't count.
- A bet's a bet. Loser pays.

- Sneak. This feII on the ground.
- No, it didn't.
- Damn Iiar!

- Maybe a bit.
- How's that?

FaIIing is faIIing.
- I picked it right up!

- So you take it.
- What a whiner.

- I'm not whining! I'II eat it.
I better not hit any stones.

- Let me see that. Come on.
This is fine. Here.
- Pete, cut the crap.
- Now what?
- You switched!

- You're a pain. Just eat and shut up.
(service beII ringing)

- FiII 'er up. I reaIIy gotta piss.
