Gaz Bar Blues

I just can't heIp it.
I won't do it again.

You've cured me.
- Stop sniveIIing
or it'II be worse.

- How much do you deserve?
- Guys...

PIease, no. Not that.
- How much?
- HaIf an hour?
- No. One hour, in 4 shots.
You better do aII 4 or yourwife
and kids'II know you're a thief.

OK, NeIson.
- How about something eIse?
I'm aIIergic to coId.

- Get in.
- Get in, it'II refresh your mind.
- Don't teII the boss.
- Too Iate forthat.

- Wasn't there pizza?
LittIe fucker.
Lost, Coyote?
- Cruising around. I'm aIIowed.
- Go somewhere eIse!
- Sure thing.

(service beII ringing)
(Tv): There's been another arrest.
In Berlin, poIice apprehended
a young Quebecois

trying to rebuiId
the waII, no Iess.

Rejean Brochu, 28,
was arrested Iast night

foIIowing compIaints.
The young man,

was inebriated and aIone
during the arrest.

A decision is stiII pending.
