How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

I-I don't really want
to talk about it, okay?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Why does this always happen
to me?

Things were going great
for, like, a week and a half,

and then, all of a sudden,
it's over,

and I am mystified.
Seriously, I am mystified,
because it always starts out
so well.

Poor baby.
Let's just roll with this one.
Oh, Mike and I had
such a connection.

The first time that we had sex,
:07:25 was so beautiful...
I cried.
You cried?
You mean, like,
one glistening tear

on your cheek, right?
No. I was really emotional.
I even told him
that I loved him.

After how many days?
It was how I felt.
I wanted to express myself.

Okay, well, what did he say?
Oh, Mike didn't have
to say anything.

I know that he felt the same.
But then he started
getting really busy,

and I didn't know where he was.
So I kept calling him
and calling him.

He was never home...
You kept calling him?
I didn't leave a message.
He didn't know it was me.
My number's blocked.

Oh, I-I'm sure he thought
it was one of his friends.

You know, men frequently call
their friends'
answering machines

and hang up 20 times.
I know why he dumped me:
I'm too fat.
- You're not fat!
- You're not fat!

Oh, Michelle, if the most
beautiful woman in the world

acted the way you did,
any normal guy
would still go running

in the other direction.
Oh, no. No guy would go
running from you, Andie.

You could barf all over him,
and he would say, "Do it again."

That is both
incredibly disgusting

and categorically untrue.
If I did the things you did,
I'd get dumped, too.

Okay, family,
shoes off.
And breathe.
Okay, Lori,
let's start with you.
