How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

l hate Mr. Sniffles.
Come on, stuffy head.
Good, good, good.
Ooh-- white.
-Healthy boy.
-Good. Mm-hmm.


Tone, get your head
in the game. Please?

Oh, no.
Are we playing?
Oh, no!
Our love fern!
lt's dead!
No, honey, it's just sleeping.
You let it die!
Are you going to let us die?
You should think about that.
What the hell's a love fern?
All right, guys,
let's try to get through
one hand.

ls she on something?
God, l hope so.
Are you saying l'm some kind of
-mental person?!
-No, no, no, he wasn't...

Oh, Tony!
What? He was talking about...
-Come on.
-That's it!

-That is it!

l'm taking this love fern
with me.

Hang on.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.
What just happened in there?
l'm going to go listen.

Look, this is getting
really creepy.

All right? You're acting
completely insane.

You know that?
Oh, so l am insane.
No, you're acting insane.
Shut up, Krull.
Oh, he is an innocent animal.
