How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

Are you saying l'm some kind of
-mental person?!
-No, no, no, he wasn't...

Oh, Tony!
What? He was talking about...
-Come on.
-That's it!

-That is it!

l'm taking this love fern
with me.

Hang on.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.
What just happened in there?
l'm going to go listen.

Look, this is getting
really creepy.

All right? You're acting
completely insane.

You know that?
Oh, so l am insane.
No, you're acting insane.
Shut up, Krull.
Oh, he is an innocent animal.
And he'll live, okay?
l'm talking to you.

l don't know
if l can be with somebody
who doesn't like animals
and thinks l'm a mental person.
That's what l'm talking about.
Where's the sexy, cool, fun,
smart, beautiful
Andie that l knew?

All right? The one who wanted
to be a serious journalist, huh?
You're up, you're down,
you're here, you're there.

You're like a freakin'
one-woman circus, Andie.

So l guess this means
we're over.

Yeah, l guess so.
Oh, finally.

lt's over, man.
Oh, man, that's...
No, no, no, no, no.
-No, no, no.
-lt is, man, it's over.

-Four days. Four days.
-Four more days!

Guys, you were here--
did you just witness

the one-woman homage
to The Exorcist?

You saw it, huh!
Yeah, l did.
l thought it was sexy.

lt's not sexy.
-He's right, he's right.
-No, forget it.

So, do-do you think Spears
and Green are going to be
