La Finestra di fronte

or for blue
to become the sky

I don't know
if this is a better world...

now that no one
calls me Davide anymore,

now that everyone calls me
only Mr. Veroli

How can I say
this is a better world?

How can I say that
without you?

I have to leave
in a few days.

I'm being transfered
to the Ischia branch.

It must be a beautiful island.
But not now

It's always like this
I'm never good
at guessing the right timing.

Afew days ago, I thought
this promotion would save me.

It's the last thing l want
right now.

It seems I always get
what I want at the wrong time.

Everything's fine as long as
I'm dreaming of something,

but then when I try
to make that become reality...

I don't know how to expIain it,
sorry, I know, but...

It's just that I...
I'd stay sitting on this bench

even though I know
it would never be possible...
