La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

Sociologist. Writer in Basque
President Basque Govt. with Basque
Nationalist Party (PNV) 1980-85

Former president
of Eusko Alkartasuna (EA)

I'd say this is more like
an archipelago,

a place with lots of little islands
rather than one big island.

Yes, there are two poles
which influence
the Basque conflict,

ETA and the government in Madrid.
That's obvious.

Those two opposing forces
are hindering something essential,
that is, mutual understanding.

Things are black or white now.
You're either with me or against me.

We forget about
the range of colors in between,

which are perhaps the loveliest
and the most enriching.

I think it all begins
with labeling people like me,

who are considered ambiguous,
with that cruel description
of "cowardly equidistance".

We've already been reproached
for taking the easy way,
for buying that freedom

by avoiding commitment
and refusing to see
what's happening under our noses.

You can't resort to dogmatism
backed up by violence,

the violence of guns
or the violence
of the monopoly of State force.

I don't want to be equidistant,
but I can see the wrong
on both sides.

Social confrontation
forces individuals
to become polarized.

It's not politically correct
to try to avoid taking sides.

You'll be called weak,
undefined, cowardly, compliant...
