La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

I think it all begins
with labeling people like me,

who are considered ambiguous,
with that cruel description
of "cowardly equidistance".

We've already been reproached
for taking the easy way,
for buying that freedom

by avoiding commitment
and refusing to see
what's happening under our noses.

You can't resort to dogmatism
backed up by violence,

the violence of guns
or the violence
of the monopoly of State force.

I don't want to be equidistant,
but I can see the wrong
on both sides.

Social confrontation
forces individuals
to become polarized.

It's not politically correct
to try to avoid taking sides.

You'll be called weak,
undefined, cowardly, compliant...
The spectrum is much wider.
The reality of the Basque conflict
is much more complex.

It isn't so easy to define.
Professor of Sociology.
Threatened by ETA

Professor of Sociology
and Political Science

In my opinion,
the capital sin being committed

is that of situating
the center of the debate

in the Basque Country-Spain

But 48% of the people
born in the Basque Country
are the children of immigrants.
It's a political confrontation,
caused by politicians,

by some of the media
and by some intellectuals.

It is out of keeping with
the plurality of Basque society.

So we have a Basque community
divided into two great cultures,
or possible cultures,
or possible identities.
