La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

so I lay down
and someone came to help me.

At that moment, you think
you've been very lucky,

and despite
the misfortune of it all,

you've been lucky
to get out of it alive.

As a result of the explosion
my left leg was amputated.

And today, thanks to the good luck
that I had,

and with an artificial limb,
my life is pretty much the same,
but I can't practice
sports anymore.

Journalist, writer, music critic,
editor of "La Vanguardia"

General Secretary
of United Alava (UA)

Doctor in Sociology.
Member of Gesture for Peace.

President of the Spanish
Government, 1982-1996,

with the Spanish Socialist Party

President of Eusko Alkartasuna (EA)
I believe that ETA is
a deep-rooted, political problem,

that the Basque conflict
is political,

and that if it is resolved

its effects will also be resolved.
Which is more important,
or more valuable?

The individual rights
of a person

or the collective rights
of an abstract Basque people?

They even deny
the existence of a people,

because one thing leads to another.
If you accept there is
a Basque people,

you accept their collective will,
their right to decide
for and about themselves.

So the easiest thing
is to deny it.

There is no people, no collective
rights, only individual rights.

ETA is the last manifestation
of an atavistic people.

In 200 years,
every generation of Basques

has sufferedjail, exile, torture
and death for political reasons.

In Shakespeare's "Macbeth" there
is an image of a lake of blood.

After we've committed
the first murder

and are submerged in that lake,
