La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

Ertzaina (Basque Policeman)
Member of Ertzaintza Trade Union

At first, the "Kale Borroka"
set fire to cash dispensers,

they blocked streets...
Recently, they set fire
to two "ertzainas".

After attacking
the homes of councilors

they turned their attention
to the brothers, sisters, cousins
of those people.

This is because, at the beginning,
it was easy for them,

due to an error on our part,
an error by the Ertzaina,

when we didn't put a firm end
to that movement

as we should have done
at the time.

There is a small minority
of young Basques

which has been indoctrinated,
in the strongest sense of the word,

with what is basically one idea,
that Euskadi is the homeland
of the Basques,

and it is presently
being subjugated

by the French
and Spanish states

which are preventing them from
realizing themselves as Basques.

Former Cultural Counselor,
the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV)

In Spain there is
a dispersion policy

with a certain group of prisoners.
We did disperse them.
And the PNV agreed to
a phase of that operation.

When the ETA prisoners
were held in groups,

the social pressure that was
exercised in the prisons

made it impossible
to achieve any reinsertion.

The ultimate aim
of a prison sentence

in the Spanish penal legislation
is still reinsertion.
It's a different matter
if that aim can't be achieved.

In that case,
humane criteria demand

that the prisoners are
brought to the Basque Country.

A prisoner, whether criminal,
political, Basque, non-Basque,

has the right to serve his sentence
close to his home area,

because that is set down
in international law.

In some cases, they are imposing
additional punishment

by sending
the prisoners far away,
