La Pelota vasca. La piel contra la piedra

You'll have politicians
controlling the media,

creating opinions, manipulating
things as they please.

The Popular Party (PP) won the
general election in Spain in 1996.

Since 2000, José María Aznar has
governed with an absolute majority.

In May 2001,
the nationalist coalition PNV-EA

won in the Basque Country
(43% of the vote).

The PP is the second
political force (23%).

Since the PP obtained
an absolute majority

freedom of expression
has lost ground,

but I think that freedom
in general has lost ground.

In my opinion,
while the transition
took many steps forward

the PP is now trying to take
those same steps backwards.

Aznar always used to say that,
because of the transition
and everything that came after,

Spain was leaning more
towards the provinces

and had lost its identity
as a nation.

They declared that terrorism
was equivalent to nationalism,

and said if they put an end
to nationalism

they'd put an end to terrorism.
The Basque problem has become
a means, first of all,

of demonstrating firmness
and winning votes
throughout all of Spain.

A few years ago, the moment came
when you had to make a choice.

You were with the victims
or with the executioners,

with democracy or with those
who were attacking democracy.

What's more, with the Basque
problem, it's a matter of:

"If you're not with me,
you're against me".

Bush's new philosophy.
No divergence is acceptable.
That has been widely accepted
by the press in Madrid.

And I mean Madrid.
There is practically unanimity among
columnists on the Basque question,

whether it's "ABC", "La Razón",
"El Mundo" or "El País".

The view of the Basque Country
comes from a single source,
