Laisse tes mains sur mes hanches

"the sea"
yes, "the sea"

have you got some desserts?
smell like caramel
what did you prepare for us?

caramel? no, they're candles

shit! they smell like caramel
there is already some cheese, so I didn't buy anyone
what's happened?
you seem unhappy tonight?
I'm ok...
what's wrong with you?
I'm scared
Marie's gone
she discarded me

what shall I do without her?
I did't expect that

who will I be worried about?
I will do the chicken soy sauce for whom?
who will play it with me?
I will

I'm looking forward to being a good coach
yes, I know

I understand her, a poor woman
she is really lonely

don't add inflammatory details to it
her daughter just changed a place

poor girl
she has to cook by herself

of course! we grew her up not for keeping her
if they can throw me off...

think about yourself, Odile

think about your single life
a single woman aristocrat!
you know, if I weren't a lesbian,
you fool!
