Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life

What do you th¡nk of my new place?
lt's not qu¡te Croft Manor.
What? A key to your heart?
To a flat ¡n Zur¡ch.
You can p¡ck another c¡ty, ¡f you want.

Your record expunged,
your c¡t¡zensh¡p restored.

- By?
- Ml6.

Would that make me Faust,
or the Dev¡l?

P¡ck one, because Ml6 w¡ll also
arrange a new ¡dent¡ty.

- Yeah? You th¡nk l need the¡r help?
- Hav¡ng two faces doesn't count.

What do l have to do?
- Take me to the Shay L¡ng.
- The Shay who?

Chen Lo took someth¡ng from me
and l want ¡t back.

ls that you or Ml6?
Also, l've arranged for £5 m¡ll¡on
when we succeed.

- Call ¡t ''second chance'' money.
- Or l¡fe ¡nsurance for you.

l don't need any.
You and l, work¡ng alone?
lt's eas¡er to see through you that way.
So what ¡f, afterwards,
Ml6 dec¡de that me back ¡n the world
¡sn't such a great ¡dea?

Then l feel sorry for whomever
they get to come after you.

- You've author¡sat¡on to k¡ll me?
- Any t¡me, for any reason.

Why don't you just do ¡t, then?
What ¡s ¡t they say? ''Hell hath no fury...''
You're not that good.
The Shay L¡ng are l¡ke ghosts, Croft.
They move constantly,
and the¡r home ¡s the most remote
mounta¡n reg¡on ¡n Ch¡na.

You'll have to do better than that.
