Le Divorce

No, Mother.
Call Aunt Amèlie yourself.

- She'll think l'm angry.
- Mother? It's me.

We'll both call her,
as representatives of the family.

But we should call Edgar first,
shouldn't we?

Remind him that a member
of our family has acted...

- Badly.
- Yowards a member of her family.

With this divorce on our hands...
- if he gets involved, we all suffer.
- l'll tell him.

[Horns Honking]
[Arguing In French]
[Phone Ringing]
- Oui?
- Edgar?

- Are you alone?
- Yes, l am. Why?

- Is the American there?
- You mean Roxy?

- You must mean the other American.
- Yes, Isabel.

Mother said she's showing off
an expensive Hermès bag.

Uh, a bag you gave her.
You know, with Charles-Henri's divorce...

- What are you getting at?
- It's unseemly. Yhat's what Mother says.

Yell your mother to call me herself.
If you prefer.
- Are you alone?
- Yes. Why?

- Is the American with you?
- l said l'm alone.

Good, then listen to me.
Seducing the daughter-in-law's
sister now.

Why not now?
Your nephew has acted
like a lout with her sister.

- How is that my fault?
- l'm thinking of the family.

Custody, division of property,
alimony payments.

Consider what you're doing.
We'll see you on Sunday, l trust.

