
Luther's hymns.
They are.
You must keep the issues
simple, Excellency.

They must accept
there is only one church.

This plague
just goes on spreading.

I should have burned him:
My pninces. Bnotlens in Clnist.
tlis isn't a timme fon caution.
but fon boldness.
Clanles is not tle fnigltened youtl
you saw at Wonmms. Dn. Lutlen.

He las lummbled Fnance
and sacked Romme itself.

Only the Turk
remains a threat to him.

In a word, he has all the time
and resource in the world

to reduce us to a powder
piece by piece,

state by state.
And I think he means to do it.
My lords...
silence will not save us.
If we challenge Charles,
will there be war...
the awful shedding
of yet more blood?

I honestly don't know. I've mislaid
all my former certainties.

But think.
The Emperor invites us
to present our creeds,

to present what we believe in.
Satan invites us to preach in hell.
Is that a trap?
Or our greatest opportunity so far?
And remember, since I may not
come with you to Augsburg,

you'll face Charles' rough alone.
Your choice is simple.
