
My lords...
silence will not save us.
If we challenge Charles,
will there be war...
the awful shedding
of yet more blood?

I honestly don't know. I've mislaid
all my former certainties.

But think.
The Emperor invites us
to present our creeds,

to present what we believe in.
Satan invites us to preach in hell.
Is that a trap?
Or our greatest opportunity so far?
And remember, since I may not
come with you to Augsburg,

you'll face Charles' rough alone.
Your choice is simple.
If you give in, my lords,
the bright comet that is our faith

will shatter and be reduced
to a few isolated torches,

sputtering in a dark universe.
This way:
And why does the father run
to meet his prodigal son?

Landowners don't run.
Noblemen don't run.
Princes don't run.
So why does this rich,
landowning father run?

Because he's afraid.
