Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Hello, darling!
How much for a kiss?

Quanto cost-o kiss-o?
- Name?
- My name is Maria.

Give us arrows. I give axe.
Quick, mate.

Thank you, mate.
Gangway for the mail, please.
- Here we are. Very important mail. Letters.
- Era um navio francês.

- What's he saying?
- Estava indo pela costa?

Sim, estava.
Indo pela costa ao sul.

A large man-of-war, French, stopped here
on the 10th, then headed south.

- Muito grande.
- Obrigado, senhor.

Somewhere here.
A full three weeks ahead.
All right, Tom, let's get
all this squared away.

Aye, sir. Mr Hollar!
Let us complete our business here.

Hands, prepare to weigh anchor!
Put that woman down, Slade! This is a ship
of His Majesty's Navy, not a floating bordello!

All hands, get these provisions stowed.
Well done.
- To wives and to sweethearts.
- To wives and sweethearts.

May they never meet.
Mr Howard, the bottle.
The bottle stands by you, sir.

Excuse me, sir, but Mr Blakeney said that
you served under Lord Nelson at the Nile.

Indeed. I was a young lieutenant,
not much older than you are now.

And Mr Pullings... mr Pullings
was a snivelling midshipman,
