Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Move along, man.
We'll have lost him before you rig it up!

- 12 knots, sir.
- That's 12 knots. That's good.

I want more. Have all the spare hands
placed on the windward rail.

Mr Hollar. Rouse up the off-watch.
All hands on starboard rail!
Come up the larboard topsail sheets!
- We're crackin' on!
- We'll be crackin' up if he don't watch it!

Captain knows this ship.
He knows what she can take.

Mr Hollar!
Mr Hollar,
I want lifelines fore and aft!

No lounging, boy!
Lifelines, fore and aft!
Double-grape that launch!

Cape Horn, Doctor.
Close the lid.
There's enough water in the grog.

Thank you for that, Davies.
Reckon the captain will follow him
round the Horn, every stitch of canvas flying?

I reckon he'd follow him
to the gates of hell.

It's a devil ship, I tell ya.
And it's leadin' us right into a trap.
