Mona Lisa Smile

All the way to Long Island.
Secret's out.
What an incredible lie.
I spoke the language, I had the
uniform, people just assumed things.

I didn't correct them.
I guess I should've done.

I guess you should've done.
Katherine, look, I'm sorry, okay?
I made a mistake.
Just give me a chance...
:37:38 straighten things out, okay?
Why couldn't you just be honest?
You don't make it easy.
You're so perfect, you...
It's impossible to be honest
with you. I...

For you, it is.
Well, it's not just me, Katherine.
Joan failed you too, right?

- That's an awful thing to say.
- I know, but it's the truth.

If you want honesty,
I can be real honest.

You didn't come to Wellesley
to help people find their way.

I think you came to help people
find your way.

I'm not accustomed
to hunting you down.

Elizabeth, look at me, please.
