
I pay you interest every month,
and the loan is not yet due.
Can't you give me all the money now?
Do you want it or not?
OK . Better than nothing.
Hey! Give me all of that.
Give me!
You've already got my money.
Can't you give a few tablets
to my friends?

You can find this drug anywhere -
you don't have to take mine.
Better not to use my drugs.
They're too strong.
Your friends may go into shock.

Believe me.
Son of a bitch!
Eh! You're back at last. My money!
Give me my share quickly. Quickly!
Ai Keng caught me.
He knew we bet with fake drugs.
He took all the money back

What? Don't tease me -
not funny at all.
Muey, look at my face.
Do you think I kicked myself?
Oy! Why are you poking me?
I'm still in pain.

Oh well. How come you got caught?
Forget it!
Do you have 200 baht?
What! Lost all my share
and still asking me for my money?

Listen! Muey.
When I won, you took the money.
Now I've lost,
so you must share the loss too.

Ow! You're stupid to get caught,
and lose the money in your hands.
So I'm stupid and you're clever!
