
I have Bak Don's address.
No need to talk yet,
and put your things down here

You're better have a wash first.
Go, go now.
Here, here is the washroom.
Go in.
I don't have any other clothing.
Don't worry I'll give you my towel.
Go in, go.

I'll turn on the light for you.
Soap is on your left,
toothbrush on your right.

Mind the slippery floor.
Hello! Muay!
I'll meet you at the stadium -
the boxing stadium. OK.
Do you still accept the bet?
Do I have time?
Here! All of them!
Do you have the amulet?
The chief changed his mind
and didn't want to sell, Boss.

But I have the head of Ong Bak, Boss.
This is the most holy thing
in the village...

that they all worship,
and the most valuable.

This broken head -
why did you bring it to me?
I'm not interested. Take it away!
