Pahat pojat

What e xpenses?
I'm gonna burn a lot o f cash and
spend some quality time.

What's it to y ou?
If it's our dad's dream, his sons
should realize his dream.

Ok ay, dad.
Shall we burn some mone y?

Burn me and y ou'll go to hell.
The whole lot o f y ou are crazy.

Matti, look at what y our
brothers are doing.

You mean taking mone y out
o f this bag and burning it?

Oh dear god, don't y ou realize
that y ou're burning real mone y?

I ne ver burned mone y be fore so
I don't kno w what it look s lik e.

Ok ay, bo y s. I'll do anything
if y ou'll stop burning that cash.

- Anything.

We want our childhood back.
- No. No!

A rare ev ent oc c urre d
ov er the holiday s.

A father turne d his fo ur s ons in
to the polic e for a bank robbery.

The boy s are als o res pons ible for
a s pree of gas s tation robberies.

Thes e "Dalton brothers" hav e been
c harge d w ith 94 c o unts of...

...robbery or attempte d robbery.
Some peo ple think ev en jail time
is n't eno u gh for thes e boy s.

What's going to happen to them?
- A pardon is o ut of the ques tion.

J ail time w ill do the boy s goo d.
