Pahat pojat

- Anything.

We want our childhood back.
- No. No!

A rare ev ent oc c urre d
ov er the holiday s.

A father turne d his fo ur s ons in
to the polic e for a bank robbery.

The boy s are als o res pons ible for
a s pree of gas s tation robberies.

Thes e "Dalton brothers" hav e been
c harge d w ith 94 c o unts of...

...robbery or attempte d robbery.
Some peo ple think ev en jail time
is n't eno u gh for thes e boy s.

What's going to happen to them?
- A pardon is o ut of the ques tion.

J ail time w ill do the boy s goo d.
Try to do well in college.
- No games with matchbo x es.

Come see us on y our vacations.
I'll bring b lueberries and flour
so You won't forget y our roots.

Well, well, well,
if it isn't my little robbers.

What, are y ou all turning y our
back s on y our daddy?

I re fuse to stay poor. You're not
taking a single bag with y ou.

I kno w y ou didn't burn the mone y.
Nobody's that crazy. I'll find it.

Fuck y ou, old man.
Let's go. I'd rather sit in prison
than listen to his preaching.
