Pride and Prejudice

- Did I agree to dance with Mr Darcy?
- I dare say you will find him amiable.

It would be most inconvenient since I've
sworn to loathe him for all eternity.

- I love this dance.
- Indeed. Most invigorating.

It is your turn to say something,
Mr Darcy.

I talked about the dance.
Now you ought to remark on the size
of the room or the number of couples.

I'm perfectly happy to oblige.
What would you like most to hear?

That reply will do for present.
Perhaps by and by I may observe
that private balls
are much pleasanter than public ones.

For now, we may remain silent.
Do you talk as a rule while dancing?
No. No, I prefer to be
unsociable and taciturn.

Makes it all so much more enjoyable,
don't you think?

Tell me, do you and your sisters
very often walk to Meryton?

Yes, we often walk to Meryton.
It's a great opportunity
to meet new people.

When you met us, we'd just had the
pleasure of forming a new acquaintance.

Mr Wickham's blessed with such happy
manners, he's sure of making friends.
