
Where did you find the whistIe?
Three metres from the body.
Shot with a GIock.
Cartridge made in Lapua.

It matches the cartridges
of the SWAT team.

But you didn't find the buIIet.
A sheII is not concIusive evidence.

You don't shoot rubber buIIets
with a GIock.

OnIy the poIice were seen firing.
Has the identity of the victim
been estabIished? -Not yet.

The men are going around
with a picture.

We need the big boys on this one.
CentraI CriminaI PoIice takes over.

You wiII assist them if required.

The taxidriver murder in Kamppi
the KaitaIahti arson and now this.

You can't transfer anymore cases.
Saarinen soIved the KaitaIahti case.
You disregarded a cIear Iead.

The neo-Nazis.
Saarinen can't find toiIet paper
in a toiIet without heIp.

The skinheads were in JyväskyIä.
-Two hours before the fire.

They speeded to HeIsinki.
We have a confession.

Money taIks... -The case is
transferred and you can Ieave.

Have you forgotten that
The SWAT teams were moved -

under the command
of the CentraI CriminaI PoIice?

They can't investigate themseIves.

I'II caII the Ministry.
May I have the sheII back?
