Scary Movie 3

- George.
- Cindy.

There's no time.
Thank God.
I've been worried sick.

He showed up about an hour ago.
I tried to call.

No, he didn't.
Okay, but I was gonna.
No, he wasn't.
Cody, the point is you can't
just run away like that.

I wanted to be with George.
Oh, honey, I know
you want a dad, but...

Oh, trust me, Cody,
I'm not good at anything.

Why would I be good at that?
Uncle George!
It's gonna be okay, Cody.
I'm going to die, aren't I?
Cody, did I ever tell you
what your mom said

about you
the day you were born?

I was in the delivery room
with her.

She was having a hard time.
Then you began
to come out of her.

And your mom screamed
and screamed in pain.

She yelled, "Just kill me.
Bludgeon me with a bedpan.
Whatever you do,
put me out of this pain."

She was gushing
torrents of blood.

I have this all on tape
if you want to see it someday.

Well, finally you came out.
Your mom cut
your umbilical cord herself.

Well, on the second try.
The first time she snipped
your penis in half.

After all, she was drunk.
Actually, drugged.
We'd been out the night before
celebrating St. Patrick's Day.

She thought, "Hey,
I never tasted crystal meth."

So she did just a little.
My penis?
They sewed it on upside down.
So that's why I pee up?
We'll get it fixed, honey.

It's on my list of things.
Right after we get TiVo.

Anyway, there you were.
Your mom turned to me and said,
"Hey, you want him?
Take him."

Then she died.
And I took you.
Do you know why?
I had just lost my cat
in a fire,

and I needed something
to pet and feed.
