
Ten hut!
Make me proud, Colonel.
Unit 17,DCneeds
acopyonyou20. Over.

Copy that, Rampart.
Our 2O is the 7OOO block...

of Valjean Avenue in Van Nuys.
We're proceeding westbound...

...awaiting your orders. Over.
-What are you doing?

I'm sending Dad an e-message.
Tell him the traffic's no worse,
even in an evacuation.

-So he can see that right now?
-Only if he has it on.

If not, it 'll show up later
as a text message.

Bounces off asatellite
to anywhere in the world.

Damn. I can't even defrost stuff
in the microwave.

Excuse me, ma'am. There's
no smoking inside the vehicle.

So, any chance we're going
to get out of here this week?

Soon, ma'am. Soon.
Quake! Cover your heads! Hold on!
Run! Run!
-Gas line! Get out! Now!
-Oh, my God!

Faith, get out!
-What are you doing?
-Faith, get the hell inside!

Aunt Tara!
National Guard's calling the ball.
But I've mobilized the Marines.

-Just in case it gets worse.
-Can it get worse, General?
