Taxi 3

l am sorry daddy! l was so
careful, l swear...

But l had nothing for protection.
Darling! lt's full of preservatives.
Why you didn't take some?

- There wasn't his size.
- Who did it to you?

- l don't know?
- You don't know? He has no name,
this young man?

l told you, l was drunk! l couldn't
remember all the names.

Good Lord!
Come on. Marry Christmas.
Every one, listen to me.
l am explaining, what we have to
do against the Santa Claus gang.

Me myself, l made a perfect
individual action, unfortunately

upset by Emilien.
But this is in the past. Let take
a look on the future.

We'll do all, that we have to do
tomorrow, starting today.

Don't write that.
lt's a little bit complicated.

l don't like the misunderstandings.
- The nonsenses start...
- Yes, he's genius.

- What was l talking about? -The plan...
- Yes, the plan of action.

And l won't accept mistakes anymore.
Don't write that.
l want everything to be ''clean''!

Last summer l was on a training
course at the american police.

This is some kind of language

Crazy, eh?
l would like to sayjust ''go''...
...and the Santa Claus gang to be
caught beforeƮre Christmas.

No more vacations, absences for
reason of health...

...or domestic disturbances...
Especially as, miss Piu, eh Qiu,
who is journalist, will give us

the honour to participate in
this mission.

Let make a good impression
about the French police.

The basic aspects ofthe mission are:
Concentration, Reflection, Action.
l named the mission:
Operation: ''Snow-white''
ln French: Blanche Neige.
l was right about the nonsenses.
- Yes, he's genius.
- From now, l want every one
