Team Spirit 2

Come in, lads.
The beer's in the fridge
and so is the genever.

I'm not drinking, I'm driving.
Wait a minute...
couldn't you leave him in the car?

Are you mad?
No, but Nancy gets depressed
when she sees a baby.

Then I'd better go home.
No. Wait a minute.
D'you mind
if we put him in the cupboard?

He's asleep.
For Nancy's sake, OK?!
To Eendracht Vooruit.
To Texel.
To the blonde Dutch girls
waiting for us.

And the blonde Flemish girl
waiting for me here.

That's my boy!
That's Jean-Marc with Jos.
We Love You, Joske, we do!
Mr Breespoels?!
- Mr Leemans.

I've come to see where
your potential future child would live.

It's a bit inconvenient,
I've got friends round.

Even better. If you've got a child
you get visitors, too.

The more natural the habitat,
the better.

You've already got a child?
- No... not that I know of.

Is that how you treat children,
Mr Leemans?

Mr Breespoels, I can explain.
- I'm sure you can!
