The Company

- I'm married!
- Congratulations.

Thank you.
Michael, bend down, pick up
the skirt. Pick up the baby...

Cradle the baby. Rock. Put the
baby down. Then start your bourres.

To the corner, reach. Two arms up.
Two arms up Reach, reach...

Contract around.
That's good. Stay low.
Reach back. Grab the skirt...

Grab the skirt with both hands.
Bring the skirt up to your chin.

When you get the skirt,
don't touch it...

Don't reach for it.
Don't grab it.

- Well, how's he going to get it?
- There's ways to get the material...

When you bring it round with you
pull it to you like...

You changed it from something
else to this yesterday.

Yeah that was yesterday.
Now I want this.

- There's no other way.
- It's organic, you see.

That's not organic. He has to bring
the skirt to this point...

It's organic. That's why it's
so beautiful because...

You're discovering new things
in it all the time.
