The Haunted Mansion

Çingene benden
neyi aramamý istedi?

Bir mezar ara...
-Adý olmayan bir mezar ara.

Senin sorunun ne?

Öyle birden ortaya

Sana Michael ile kalmaný
söylemiþtim sanýrým.

Bulamayacaksýn diye

Bunun yanýnda,
Michael iyi.

Dedi ki, ''adý olmayan
Kara Mezarý bul,

yoksa yakýnda sizin kaderiniz de
ayný olacak.''

Bu olmalý.
Ýyi iþ baba.
Bu yer beni resmi olarak
hasta etmeye baþladý artýk.

Ve kim için buradayýz?
Çünkü ben evi geçin diyen kiþi
olma sorumluluðunu ciddiye alýyorum diye.

Sizin, bende olmayan
her þeye sahip olmanýzý istiyorum.

What was it that gypsy
told me to look for?

Look for a crypt with ...
Look for a crypt...
-A crypt without a name.
-Aah !

Oh !
What's the matter with you?

You can't just be popping out
like that.

l thought l told you
to wait with Michael.

l was worried
you wouldn't find it.

Besides, Michael's fine.
She said, ''Find the black crypt
with no name,

or soon your fate will be
the same.''

That must be it.
Good hunch, Dad.
l'm officially starting
to get sick of this place.

And we're here 'cause of who?
Because l take seriously my
responsibility as breadwinner.

l want you guys to have
everything l never had before.
