The Human Stain

I've got a video at home of her
taking her first steps.

You should see that.
I'd like to.
We've always had this link,
you know, a connection.

I've always known
exactly where she was,

what she was thinking,
how she was feeling.

I'd go to pick her up at school,
I'd stop off to get Tylenol...

she'd walk out the building with
a runny nose and a headache.

Sounds silly, doesn't it?
I mean,
every mother has that.

No, they don't.
Man, I'm really, truly sorry.
This is because Allie's blessed, right?
These people that took her
want to know what she's all about.

Yeah, pretty much.
We'll do whatever we can
to help you get her back.

I've got a couple of shirts
around that'll fit you.

Over the years, a girl winds up
with a souvenir or two.

Allie left this in the park
when she ran away
at soccer practice.

12 hours ago, there was
a bullet in my lung.

I should be dead.
Why doesn't it surprise me
that you're not?

She's just a kid.
She didn't ask for any of this.
She shouldn't
have to do any of this.

It's not fair! It's not fair at all!
We'll get her back.
ALLIE: When you've done something
that you can't take back,

something that
you don't understand,

you start to hold tightly
to the things
you do understand,

and you try to make sense
out of everything you can.
