The Human Stain

when she ran away
at soccer practice.

12 hours ago, there was
a bullet in my lung.

I should be dead.
Why doesn't it surprise me
that you're not?

She's just a kid.
She didn't ask for any of this.
She shouldn't
have to do any of this.

It's not fair! It's not fair at all!
We'll get her back.
ALLIE: When you've done something
that you can't take back,

something that
you don't understand,

you start to hold tightly
to the things
you do understand,

and you try to make sense
out of everything you can.

Because if you believed
that all you had to do

to make things right
was to find a reason,

but what happens
when you find the reasons

and they are not your own?
How do you find any comfort
or any sense in that?

They're on their way.
We haven't had a chance to talk.
What do you mean?
About your father.
There's nothing to say.
You did what you had to do
for the project.

Ha Ha. "For the project."
When I was a kid,
