The Italian Job

The helicopter routine,
I mean, that was
pretty damn good.

But now I've got the gold...
and you, you've got nothing.

I got this.
So cut the crap,
and give me my goddamn gold!
Who the hell are you?
I am Mashkov...
and you killed my cousin Yevhen.
Got to have some insurance,

Yevhen was already dead
when I got there.

I'm sorry about that,
but Yevhen dealt with

a lot of unsavory people.
Now, this guy's
trying to play you.

You are right...
no imagination.
There's a lot of gold in there.
We're the only ones with guns.
I'll make you a good deal.
I've already made my deal.
What do you want?
You know this was
never about the gold.

Whatever helps you
sleep at night, sweetheart.

Charlie! Come on, Charlie!
Wait a minute
Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Wait a minute. I'll double
whatever he's giving you.

Just don't shoot me.
Don't worry, I'm not
going to shoot you.

No, I'm going to take you
to my workplace.

I think you would be
very interested

in some of the machinery I use.
No, come on.
I want to make a toast.
