The Job

Yes. You did
an excellent job

of lacerating the internal
wall of your vagina,

but you didn't reach
the uterus.

So, for a while
you'll find sex painful

urination excruciating
and there's a good chance
of infection.

You have an appointment
for tomorrow.

Why on earth would you
do this to yourself today?

No, they never tell me why.
l don't know why l keep asking.

All right, Ms. March.
lf you don't want this baby that much
than let's get it over with.

You're gonna do
the abortion now?

l am, and l don't mind
telling you

it's gonna hurt like hell.
Nurse: Ms. March...
- Carol Jean.
- l'm sorry?

My name, it's Carol Jean.
Don't worry, Carol Jean,
you'll be fine.
Right in here.
Rick: l'm here with CJ March.
She's been back there a while.

l just wanted to make sure
everything was all right.

l'm sure it is. The procedure
takes about a half an hour.

- Procedure?
- Mm-hmm.

Now, don't you worry, Carol Jean,
everything will be fine.
