The Singing Detective

l'm just walkin' in the rain,

l think you know
you need help.

Now, you're too aware
of your own condition

to deny it.
Just collecting raindrops.
Most chronic skin patients
are on tranquilizers
or antidepressants.

See, the skin is
very personal.

lt's, uh, tempting
to believe that the
poisons of the mind

have somehow...
erupted onto the surface
of the skin.

''Unclean, unclean!'' you shout,
ringing your leper's bell,
warding us all off.

That'll destroy you.
Yes, l think you know that,
or at least
part of you does.

You can be helped.
Yeah, with a Mickey Finn.
Now, why mimic that stuff?
What stuff?
That out-the-side

kind of stuff.
That down-these-mean-streets
kind of stuff.

l'm sorry.
What kind of stuff?
You know, my feeling is that,

now that... after l've read
some of your prose...

Ho, ho, hee, hee.
:37:22 feeling is
that, uh, you didn't

start out to write in this way.
What would you
have preferred

to have written?
What, if l had the talent,
you mean?

No, of course l don't mean that.
No, go ahead, be a critic.
You got the face for it.
lf you like, all right.
Uh, if you had the talent.
lf l had the talent,
one-liners for Michael Jackson,
two-liners for Helen Keller,

if it wouldn't be stretching her
too much.

Maybe traffic citations
for Ted Kennedy.
