The Singing Detective

That out-the-side

kind of stuff.
That down-these-mean-streets
kind of stuff.

l'm sorry.
What kind of stuff?
You know, my feeling is that,

now that... after l've read
some of your prose...

Ho, ho, hee, hee.
:37:22 feeling is
that, uh, you didn't

start out to write in this way.
What would you
have preferred

to have written?
What, if l had the talent,
you mean?

No, of course l don't mean that.
No, go ahead, be a critic.
You got the face for it.
lf you like, all right.
Uh, if you had the talent.
lf l had the talent,
one-liners for Michael Jackson,
two-liners for Helen Keller,

if it wouldn't be stretching her
too much.

Maybe traffic citations
for Ted Kennedy.

Who knows?
lt's just one word
after another.

That's where all the problems
of the world start:

the next goddamn word.
lt's not incriminating.
What isn't?
Telling me what you
would prefer to write.

l would like to have praised
a loving God

and all His Loving Creation...
...and to have seen...
hosts of translucent angels
ascending spinning shafts
of golden light

to the deep blue caverns
of heaven.

Hell, they'd all have
these massive titties,

wouldn't they?
Well, here's one part here
that doesn't seem to... fit in
