The Yes Men

- Except it says...
- I love school. Don't you?

Let's sing with the band tonight!
Now we're-with the Yes Men,
we're calling that sort of basic idea
"Identity Correction,"

like saying, these things...
these things that are not
really presenting themselves honestly

or that hide something about their nature
that's really scary,

we want to bring that out.
We want to show that.
We want to demonstrate that.

And so, like for the WTO...
we think that the WTO
is doing all these terrible things
that are hurting people

and they're saying the exact opposite.
And so we're interested
in correcting their identity.

In the same way that an identity thief
steals somebody's identity

in order to basically
just engage in criminal practices,

we target people
we see as criminals,

and we steal their identity
to try to make them honest

or to try to present
a more honest face.

And know,
I guess this whole thing

has its roots for both me and Andy
in stuff that we've been doing
for a long time,

which is trying to create public spectacles
that, in some kind of poetic way,

reveal something about our culture
that's profoundly a problem.

That must be Sal.
- Oh, dude.
- Are you okay?

I got fuckin' lost on that...
Oh, no.
It's been a long day.
Holy shit!
Well, I probably started it
in June or July.

So, on and off
for a good two to three months.

Just a couple more pieces
of Velcro, and that'll really be it.

And, yeah, we're...
at the end of the line.

Okay, look.
So we're making a list here.

Wednesday we leave
for Finland early,

so, Sunday...
